Shoot a one-shot spot for a :15 using practical effects and camera perspective. We had to create a before and after look to show the impact the product service could offer to its customers. We also had to shoot two separate concepts for print only, casting additional talent and working with a dedicated stills photography crew.


We utilized motion control for the camera and the main rooftop rig. This allowed us to program the motion ahead of time and we could repeat the same camera move over many takes. Art department constructed the rooftop and transported it to set. Half the day was just build and program, and we had to work around a stills shoot happening simultaneously. Joe had created an animatic timed to storyboard, so we had the cues for the ladder and grill down. On the day we played back a blip track so our crew could hit the right timing every take. For one shot most of the crew was out in 10 hours.


Photographer (Print)

Production Company

Kiddo EP



Production Manager

Production Coordinator

1st AD

Director of Photography

Production Designer

Wardrobe Stylist

Make Up Artist

VFX Company

VFX Supervisor


Joe Sill

Mike Seehagel

Kiddo Films

Michael Millardo

Leah Nelson

Nick Erickson

Tyler Zelinsky

Camille Benton

Dylan Griffith

Kai Saul

Tye Whipple

Joanna David

Kaci Wegleitner

Frame 48

Tom Teller


  • Shot in conjunction with print.

  • 1 day shoot on location in Long Beach, CA.