SLURPEE "50th birthday" (2016)
The goal was to have as much control of the things that are hard to control. In the story, the bass was supposed to cause the slurpees to launch with the vibration. We wanted to capture ultra high speed shots to see the colorful slurpees in slow motion. It was to be one crazy, colorful, slurpee, birthday celebration.
We hired a food stylist that had worked with slurpee many times in the past. 7-Eleven shipped us… I want to say about 100 slurpee cups. We had dozens of slurpees pre-made, with some being fixed throughout the filming process. We built the 3-wall stage the day before the shoot. Special effects team rigged the air compressed tubes that launched the slurpee mixture into the air from underneath the cups. We shot it in a few ways. First we filmed each color of slurpee exploding one at a time, then we did them all at the same time. Since the shot was locked off, we could stitch them together in post later so we had absolute control of timing.
Production Company
Whitelist EP
Whitelist HOP
Production Manager
1st AD
JWT Art Director
JWT Copywriter
JWT Producer
Director of Photography
Production Designer
Food Stylist
Dan Carr
Jerad Anderson
Matt Griffo
Nick Erickson
Luis Estrada
Genghis Jorgensen
Lee Taylor
Brittany Sarrett
Olivia Edgren
Bryant Jansen
Nick Faiella
Marlinda Hodgdon
1 day stage shoot.
Filmed in Los Angeles, CA.
Filmed with Phantom 4k high speed camera.